Thursday, October 15, 2015

"A Constitutional Convention"


                  I have posted about this before! I will continue posting about this till a candidate for office admits the facts.

                  The facts are to gain over all support and, close the gap between the state and, local governments is to meet and, get their input as to the changes in the Constitution.

                    How did the collision of the 1st amendment and, 14th amendment happen? Freedom of religion vs equal rights.

                    The fact that Democrats have been smuggling illegal immigrants under the Constitution definition of born in the United States for a long time. (So called anchor baby)

                     This government is suppose to be a fair and, an equal opportunity government. 

                       It claims to have true separation of church and, state while at the same time has its publicly funded teachers and, professors  teach against religion in our schools.

                       It claims to have true separation of church and state at the same time promotes and, performs religious rituals such as marriage. (A Christian act)

                        The socialistic regime of President Barack Obama and, his minions would not have been able to cause such a national divide in the Untied States had it not been for the loopholes in the Constitution.

                         A little note maybe if those little infants, you know the ones that planned parenthood is selling off the parts to, had Constitutional rights, they would not be able to dissect them like frogs.

                          A state and, federal government amendment to the Constitution will remove the divide between Pro-life and, abortion activists.

                         These are all highly emotional subjects and, need the whole national input.  

                          You say you want the people's trust back, do this and you are going in the right direction.

(Ben Carson)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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