Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Rick Perry ' s Cancer Comment"


                    Presidential candidate/ex - governor of Texas says Donald Trump is a cancer on the conservative Republican party. 

                    If you remember during the last presidential debate it came out that during his term as Governor of Texas he enacted a policy that gave free college tuition to illegal immigrants. 

                   So of course he is against Donald Trump. This way those who are legal United States citizens can't afford to go to college but, if you break the law, you are rewarded with free college tuition. 

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


"For Sale Slightly Used Baby Parts?"


                       Harsh? I know but, what can a person say to wake up the country to the wrong that is being done to these helpless little beings?

                       If you don't know what I'm talking about then, watch the news. You won't see it on CNN or, MS NBC because if its negative about liberal beliefs you won't see it there. (Watch Fox news or, CSPAN)

                      That would be the same as the Kremlin or, Hitler advertising what they did wrong to people. 

                      What I'm talking about is the under cover video of some of the lead doctors of your tax supported "Planned Parenthood" discussing the price and, or, sale of aborted baby, baby parts.

                     It's suppose to be against the law to sale baby parts but, that does not seem to matter to the liberal baby body parts sales company "Planned Parenthood"

                    Open your eyes America! This should tell you of the value the Liberal/Socialist, place on life.  In other words, the value of an individuals life means nothing, if done for the good of the many.

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


"A Statue of Satan to Replace the Ten Commandments In Oklahoma?"


                          In the news today was how a statue of Satan is to be revealed today made by a Satanic cult to stand on the court house lawn in Oklahoma City.

                         This comes on the heels of the Oklahoma Supreme court ordering the Ten Commandments to be removed from the court house lawn. While they have not been removed yet, due to our good sense of our Governor.

                        While this stay of execution is temporary, waiting on an appeal, our Lords Ten Commandments are subjected to the whims of a liberal supreme court.

                        I say if the federal government can recognize a Christian ritual of marriage, to be conducted on same sex couples then they should also recognize that same religious belief of the Ten Commandments.

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


"A Third Party Exists already"


                          Will Donald Trump launch a third party, if the Republican party does not respect him properly?

                          I say a third party already exists with in the Republican party. The establishment Republicans (Career politicians or, fat cats) do not like what he's saying they are nervous about keeping their jobs.

                        Understand this Republican party, there are a lot more of us Independent voters out here then Republican, Democrat or, socialist voters. So don't make the mistake of causing Mr. Trump to have to go to a third party.

                      You will loose!

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


"Is The President of The United States a Bigot?"


                        Man, why do you say that about the President? It's simple, there have been at least three deaths, during his term of president, that involved a black U.S. citizen and, a police officer.

                       The President saw fit to make statements on behalf of these citizens but, has not felt he has anything to say about the many that have been killed by his careless acts of releasing murderers back into the public.

                      Congress, I say vote to with hold federal funds from sanctuary cities. They obviously don't think they are a part of the United States, by not obeying its laws.

                     So what do you think is our President a Bigot?

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


"Cream at The Top" (Note to the Socialist left)


                           The liberal left considers themselves to be more intelligent then those who believe in an UN-seen God. 

                          They do not see the obvious. They do not see the more they condemn Donald Trump for his stand on illegal immigrants, the more we the conservative majority like him.

                          Why?  We see your choice of President doing the things to this country that we never thought an American President would do. Taking actions that cause the deaths of U.S. Citizens.

                          President William Jefferson Clinton may have the blood of 1,300 Canadians on his hands but, President Barack H. Obama has the blood of U.S. citizens on his hands.

                         His actions, releasing thousands of hardened, illegal immigrant, criminals back into the United States. Thus allowing the public to be at the mercy of these individuals.

                        Places the president instrumental in the murders of these innocent people. 

                       Note to the cowardly Republican Party, ask yourselves why is Mr. Trump so popular? All of us out here know why. Its because he is speaking our words and, beliefs.

                      He says he wants what we elected the Republicans to do but, are to cowardly to do.

                       The fact that the Union of Border Guards refused to keep its scheduled meeting with Mr. Trumps on his up coming border trip, tells me that it is true, that the liberal left controls the unions.

                        I'm a disabled Vet. but, if I were able I would volunteer to perform security detail for Mr. Trump.

                        So liberals/media keep up the good work keep going after him, you are making him our hero.

(Donald Trump)
"Ted Cruz for President"


Friday, July 10, 2015

"The Socialist Way!"


                      I call it the socialist way but, its the dictatorial ways of financial power. Donald Trump has,  had the courage to state his opinions to the people whom he wishes to govern.

                      For this, he has been attacked by the socialist left. The major companies that are for the continued support of illegal immigrants breaking our laws is applying a socialist tactic.

                     The National Broadcasting Network (NBC), Universal Studios(NBC), Macy's Department stores and,  Serta Mattresses are boycotting everything to do with Donald Trump.

                     I'm glad they have outed themselves! I say along with The American Association of Retired People (AARP) in their support of Obama Care, I say this.


                    While I agree in a free state for which this country stands for, these company's have the right to boycott Donald Trump (he has contracts law suits will be involved) but, we as United States Citizens have rights to.

                   Lets practice our right to not give these companies our money! Stop going to these companies and, stop watching NBC. Don't buy their products.

"Ted Cruz for President"


"How To Find Out Which Candidate Stands For What?" (Republican)


                     Why is it the only candidate's that you can find out what they stand for or, what their agenda is, is the ones making news?

                      Go to anyone of the candidates websites and, you can not find any information about what they are for unless you donate and, or, give them your name.

                       Politicians bug us enough without giving them your contact information to increase the irritation. 

                       I am investigating the candidates and, I find, with the exception of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and, Marco Rubio you can't find out what they are for.

                      I'm judging the candidates this way, if they do not tell me up front what they stand for, then they are hiding something or, are ashamed of what they stand for.

                     I will not vote for anyone who wants to compromise with the socialist side, so if they say its time to work together or, get Washington working, that to me is code for compromise my rights away.

                   If they are for Amnesty, NO! If they are for Obama Care NO!  (NOTE: voting for a bill that provides funding for Obama Care and, Amnesty is voting for them) 

                 If they are for same sex marriage NO! If they are for reducing our military NO!  If they are for compromising with Iran NO! If they are not for a border fence and, the deportation of illegals NO! 

                   I don't want, what Obama wants. He wants the United States citizen's to have to go through what Europe has to go through. Not being able to sleep at night, not knowing whither your going to get blown up every night or, not.

                   Those who do not tell you what they stand for are,  for my money, with the cowardly Republicans of the Congress. They do this so they can keep the support of the establishment Republicans.

                     If you do not play ball with the big cats of the Republicans then you don't get their financial and, verbal support.

"Ted Cruz For President"


"Can Same Sex Couples Be Good Parents"


                         Russ Limbaugh says same sex couples can not be good parents. I agree with him except for the reasons he gives.

                         While it's true same sex couples can not produce children, which makes them a mother and father, they can can be parents, however lousy they would be.

                          You see a long time ago someone pointed out to me that, any multi celled animal can mother or, father a child but, not every animal can be a parent.

                          While same sex couples can call themselves parents but, that doe's not make them parents or, mother or, father. We all know, even though they do not like to admit it, they still have to depend on the opposite sex for children.

                         I did not say, depend on the opposite sex, to have sex with them, to produce. They think that, if they use a clinic and, depend on donations of the opposite sex then they have done away with the obligation of needing the opposite sex.

                        If no donated semen by a male, no child! With males, if not for a heterosexual male you would not have a child to adopt. So they can say all they want they are mothers and,  fathers but, unless God re-invents man kind it can not happen.

                        Artificially inseminated one can be a mother but, she can not be a parent. By a human being rejecting the natural state of parenthood, this disqualifies them as parents.

                        The basic obligations of a set of parents is to raise the children in knowledge and, love. 

                       Ask yourself this if the same sex couple is both male and, have a female child, how can those parents even begin to know what a female child is going through?

                      Same with a same sex female couple, how can they possibly know what a male child is going through?

                       We must accept the fact that women and, men are different not only physically but, mentally.

"Ted Cruz for President"



Monday, July 6, 2015

"Donald Trump VS Ted Cruz!"


                   I have said in the past, that I want a fighter in the White House. A fighter, that will fight back the forces of Socialist evil that is trying to take over this country and, take away our individual rights.

                  I don't know about you but, I'm tired of the wimpy Republican politicians that is standing in line to agree with the socialist party because, they are afraid.

                You've got these candidates running for office that say the solution to the problems, in Washington, is compromise. Can't we all just get along? Well, have you seen the fruit of the wimpy Republican compromise's? 

               The Democratic party has been asking the Republican party outside for a fight for a long time now! Ever since Nixon. I think its time we throw down!

                  On the socialist side you have Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and, some new guy that I don't even know his name. 

                  All of them are playing who's the biggest socialist. Mrs. Clinton can not get out of the way of her being a woman to explain her plans and, her past. What gets me is she is so arrogant that she thinks that she is above suspicion.

                 She should not have to answer for actions in the past. Dodging questions left and, right. Getting mad if anyone should ask questions about her character.

                   You don't like what Donald Trump is saying? You say he is too harsh or, to cruel?  You say he's prejudice, right! Well, ask yourself this, if life is so terrible in Mexico then what is the Mexican government doing about it.

                  Why does the United States have to take care of the Mexican government's people?

                  The problem with Donald Trump is, he lacks one very important leadership trait. He lacks TACT.  Someone explained tact as the ability to tell someone to go to hell and, make them happy they are on the way.

                   Mr. Trump is a Economical Political Activist.  He sees no other way of telling the story without rubbing people the wrong way.

                    This is not a good thing for someone, that wants to be the countries top diplomat.  Ted Cruz has said he likes Donald Trump. I think what he likes about the Donald is his fight.

                     This is why my vote is going to Ted Cruz (R-TX). He is a fighter and, a diplomat. He will not back down from a political fight. The Establishment supported Republicrat candidates do not like Ted Cruz.

                     They know he will not back down. He is not a coward like them.
Marco Rubio: hows your Spanish to English translation? Jeb Bush and his support of the United Nations "Common Core" Chris Christie: in his support of illegal immigrant drivers licenses and, his support of Amnesty,

                    Rand Paul and, his isolationist views plus his support of Obama's Amnesty bill/Obama Care.

                    I can't remember his name but, he's the ex-Governor of Texas, you know the one that is for giving free collage educations to illegal immigrants and, couldn't remember the third department he would do away with during the debates.

                   I'm sorry but, there is entirely to many cowardly lion Republicans that are running,  for me to name them all.

"Ted Cruz for President"


The Federal Government Supports The Christian Belief System"


                      The Supreme court re-enforces the Christian belief that all people that desire to be together should be involved in a Christian religious ritual of marriage.

                      At the same time, in Oklahoma, left wing, Oklahoma Supreme court  orders, the rules/laws of God, that guide our morals and, remind us to be good to our fellow man, be taken down.

                    Yes, the Supreme court of, what was known as the bible belt, has ordered that the Ten Commandments be taken down off the Oklahoma City court house.

                   Confused? Well its simple this is all a part of the Democratic left wing agenda of the destruction of the Christian and, Jewish religions. You see the Ten Commandments remind them of the evil they commit against their fellow man. (Can't have that)

                  They also know that almost all Christian and, Jewish churches hold that Sodomy is against Gods laws. This way, if the churches are forced to marry same sex couples, this attacks the basic belief system of the religion.

                 Thus beginning the destruction of Gods Houses of worship.

"Ted Cruz for President"


"Greece" (The Future Of The United States)


                        People say, the reason why Greece is having financial problems is because they refuse to pay higher taxes.  All you have to do is visit the country and, you'll find out that's NOT  true!

                        I was stationed in the military there in the early to mid 80's. During that time it was roughly around 33 to 35 Drachmas per dollar. Greece is a backward country, mainly because of the socialist Democratic government holding them back.

                      In the country of Greece, by their written law, you are guilty until proven innocent. This means the person in jail has to prove they did not commit the crime.

                     You can, if a Greek citizen sees you waving or, pointing at them, be locked for practicing witchcraft. They can claim you put a hex on them. Again your guilty until proven innocent.

                     The Greeks already pay 65 to 70% of their income in taxes. This is to pay for their social programs. Government health care, Welfare and, food subsidiaries. 

                     You, as a tourist in the 80's, paid 108%, yes that's right I said 108% export taxes on anything you buy on the Greek economy that has a value of $50.00 or more, only if you want to take it out of the country.

                     I do love their three wheeled cars. their broiled pork on a pancake, Ouzo and, they have the smoothest wine coolers.

                     Nothing is free there. They even have walls erected on the beach so you have to pay to get on the beach. 30 Drachmas. All these prices were in the early to mid 80's, heaven only knows how expensive it is now.

                    You see these are true Democratic beliefs! The Democratic party, that is now in power and, is trying to keep the power of government, of the United States believes their is no such thing as to many taxes.

                   Take a look around the country, of how many Democratic run states are creating new taxes and, increasing the already existing taxes. This is to pay for their so called free benefits, that you pay for.

                  Watch what happens to Greece because, they could not say no to the ever increasing social benefits of their people. The United States is not to big to fail and, it could happen here.

                 Remember, one of the three world banks that rate a countries credit ratings, dropped the United States credit rating from a triple A rating to a double A rating for the first time in history, due to Democratic rule.

"Ted Cruz for President"
