Thursday, December 3, 2015

"San Bernadino and, Barack H. Obama"


                How many of you remember who the Justice Dept. who is controlled by President Obama, sent after the non-profit organizations as part of the intimidation of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

                        It was none other then the Departments of the FBI, ATF and, OSHA. The same Dept., except OSHA,

                       So, because what happened in California, will President Obama use his control of these two dept. use it to cover this up, to claim it was work place violence. Remember what happened on the Army base in Texas.

                      After all, this goes against the President's plan to bring in thousands more terrorists through the Syrian refugee plan. This also might affect his plan to NOT increase the enforcement  of our southern border.

                      His so called military actions of cancelling 60% of the bombing sorties, against ISIS, but, claiming the total just the same, is in jeopardy too.

                      Lets face it the terrorist all but signed their names with Allah Akbar to identify themselves as terrorists. Not only does he have control of the agencies conducting the investigations it happened in California and, you can't get more leftwing then the Hollywood class.

                     The backers of President Obama. The Democrat plan "Never Miss an opportunity" The Democrat plan is to every time a terrible  gun shooting happens is to take away the very Tool that would be used to defend ourselves.

                      I'm talking your 2nd Amendment rights of the constitution.  It use to be said "Take away our guns and, only criminals will have guns". 

                     Now it should be "Take away our guns and, the police's anti terrorist equipment and, only the criminals  and, terrorists will have guns.

                    With this being said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) was bragging (Today) about, how successful her state's, strict anti gun laws are. even after this shooting.

                      Chicago where the young kid was gunned down in the streets by the police. Where every day deaths in the double digits happen. They also have strict gun laws.

                      People are so Islam Phobic afraid of being called a bigot.
I believe real Islamist are smart enough to know the difference between a bigot and, someone who is smart enough to take precautions to protect themselves. I'm not afraid to call it what it is;


"Ted Cruz for President"



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