Monday, June 1, 2015

"Posse Comitatus Act."


                           In an effort to be more informed as to why our federal government can use our active duty military to defend other countries outside the United States but, when it comes to self defense of this country's southern border, it can not, I looked into it.

                         According to the Posse Comitatus Act, which the Democrats always bring up when mentioning using the active duty military inside the continental United States, was created by the Democratic party.

                        The south having lost the Civil War was going through a reconstruction. This was being done by federal troops. This did not sit well with long time bigoted southern Democrats.

                        Page 2 of 8 of the titled History states that there was a fight between Democrats and, Republicans. The fight was over a disputed out come of a national Presidential election.

                       Supposedly Samuel J. Tilden, Democrat of New York defeated the Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes. In the popular vote, Tilden received 184 electoral votes to Hayes's 165 but, there were 20 votes unaccounted for.

                      So to solve the dispute the federal government agreed to pull the federal troops out of the south so Hayes could become President. This was the Posse Comitatus Act.

                      For my own feelings about it, the federal troops where trying to force the southern bigots into treating African Americans with respect.

                      I have studied politics practically all my life and, to this day can not understand why the African American community thinks the Democratic party is on their side.

                     President John F. Kennedy was a Democrat and, was the greatest President who ever lived but, because he tried to force the southern Democrats (Gov. George Wallace) into treating blacks equally, they killed him.  (Oswald my backside)

                    But, yet minority groups all over the country are believing the Democratic lies.

                    According  to this Wikipedia article the Congress can over rule the act. if it so chooses to so. So don't let anyone use the excuse of the Posse Comitatus Act.

                    Educate yourself, Google Posse Comitatus and, see for yourself.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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