Sunday, May 31, 2015

" I. Politician Ethics"


I.          Politician Ethics.

                           The government of the United States had adopted in the beginning the honor system. It was said that no gentleman would purposely deceive the people.

                            A gentleman's word was his honor. To call a man a liar was to impugn his honor and, people have met and, paced off with pistols in hand.

                           To allow someone to call you a liar and, not challenge them would be a disgrace. You could not show your face anywhere.

                            But, that was then. Now it is common place for a politician to lie. It is expected for a senator, Congressman or, President to not honor his or her word.

                            This is a sad state of affairs. My grandfather once said to me that the only honest politician there is, is the one that's  out of office. Well, when you have the dishonest in charge of enforcing honesty what do you get. NO ACTION!!

                           Well, when and, if they do have a Constitutional Convention the top number one topic on their agenda should be providing strict penalties for politicians who do not honor their word.

                           In a Constitutional Convention they will have to abide by the Conventions decision's 

                           I know now a days it seems silly to expect a person to keep their word, when its so common place for people to lie but, to regain the trust in our government, I can't see any other way.

                          I say politicians police yourselves do not allow this country go by the way of Iceland did, a couple of years ago.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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