Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Reason For Voting For Hilary"


                    I have some liberal friends that say they are voting for Ex-Secretary of State(Who wasn't home at 3am for Benghazi) Hilary Clinton. These friends happen to be women. 

                   When asked, why, the only reason they gave is because she is a woman. No other reason!  Well, I then brought up Carly Fiorna and, they shut up. 

                  I also asked them if they felt comfortable voting for someone who has taken financial donations from countries that are against women having equal rights. (Sharia Law)

                  After her flopping around in first couple of months,  Mrs. Clinton's minions are working over time to repair her sun glasses times. Her recent episode of throwing a pool reporter off the bus, is a look on how she plans to run the White House.

                Lets see the positives she's a woman, she was Secretary of State, she was first lady, she stood by her man while he was president and, had the non-sex, sex thing with Monica in the Oval office.

                The Negatives; in her commercial, running against Barack Obama, it said will he be home at 3am if trouble happens? Well, question is was she there to answer the call  from Benghazi.

                She hide her conversations from the public and, the office she worked for and, wiped her server to keep people from finding out what was said in the Benghazi episode.

                She had to re-adjust her tax filing to show donations from foreign countries after a book came out about her. 

               This book, which the author has no evidence of, stated that her and, her husband worked together in a sale to the Russians of the American Plutonium reserves.

               It is reported that, she has also taken financial donations from countries that enforce Sharia law, which denies equal rights to women and, condemns kills Gay's 

               Rumor has it that when you donate to the Clinton foundation charities, it is funneled through to the Clinton's pocket. But, like many of the negatives of the Clinton's, they hide things well.

               Was her letter to the United Nations a real belief of hers. I'm speaking, of course the letter that she gave to the U.N. telling them that the United States will stifle free speech on the Internet.

             Well, I guess it depends on what your definition of what is, is.  Mrs. Clinton has own saying. "What difference does it make?"

"I don't know about you but, my folks taught me "Where there's Smoke there has to be a little bit of fire"  Can we afford to take the chance?

"Ted Cruz for President"


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