Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"Hilary Clinton's Server VS Lois Lerner's Server"


                          Now why would the FBI be doing such a bang up job retrieving E-mails off of a wiped clean server belonging to Hilary Clinton and, not be able to find anything on the erased emails of Lois Lerner (formerly of the IRS).

                          What could be the reason?  Lets look at the differences between the two.

                         Lets see the discovery of information on the Lerner server could be embarrassing oh wait, information on the Clinton server could be embarrassing also.

                        How about lets look at the differences! 

                        The discovery of secret or, top secret information on the Clinton server could lead to prison time. I'm sure before prison happened to her she would seek refuge in another country.

                       The discovery of information on the Lois Lerner server could lead to prison time also but,  Mrs. Lerner is not as rich and, doesn't have the friends that Mrs. Clinton has.

                      The main differences are the Clinton server could be bad to her and does not lead to the President.

                      The Lois Lerner server information could lead to Barack Obama. This is the reason why the FBI is not finding any E-mails on Mrs. Lerner's server.

(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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