Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"The Big Decision!"


                       Of course you know the decision I'm talking about. It's such a big question. Whether to get a Xbox-1, Play Station 4 or, a WII. This is the type of question that some people out there are puzzled about.

                      A twelve year old little girl in Iraq has a different kind of questions running around in her mind, if her mind is still running at all.

                     One question is probably which one of the adult men will hurt her next? It might be,  that wish of death so that she will not have to be raped anymore.

                     She might be thinking, the great power in the west will come and, stop this!  Oh foolish girl have you forgot who is in charge of that great power in the west?

                    The Coward and, Chief is in charge. With him and, many in his party are contributing to your abuse. How are they contributing you say? 

                    Every time the left/socialist, justify your treatment through the non-reporting of this in the news and, the comparison of the Muslim Extremist to the Christian wrongful acts of the past, they contribute.

                   Every time they turn a blind eye to the mistreatment of women in the middle east. Women in the middle east do not have rights for they are pieces of property, owned by the superior man.

                  These men and, their arrogance have the cave man mentality. Women will obey me and, men you better fear me because I'm better then you.

                  Reference; Code Pink's presence on the floating armada set out to break the blockade of Israeli government.

                  Saudi Arabia one of many women's rights violators, donated to the lead Democratic candidates campaign (Hilary Clinton). But, she campaigns that she is women's last hope.

                  Oh, by the way if I did spend time and, thought of which gaming console to buy, I would choose none! 

                 As long as these companies require you to go on line to play these games, I will not. Money, Money, Money! That's what it's about. 

                  My message to you who wish to escape into the game world, maybe just maybe if you take your head out of the game and, played the real game of life.

                 You just might become a real live hero.

(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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