Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"The Good Old Boy Network"


                          What I'm about to write may cause me computer problems but, it has to be said.  I say this because, the last time I wrote about an entity as powerful as this I had to turn my computer in to have several viruses an, a Trojan removed.

                          I'm sure I'll be attacked. So enough of that. The name and group known as the good old boys started out as a good thing. Back in the 50's and, 60's, mostly out west, there were hard times, to say the least.

                        Many people were really bad off and, probably would have died if it weren't for others. Hence the phrase good old boys. If you needed some help a friend might say ask such and, such he's a Good Old boy.

                       You see just like the Democratic Party the idea started out as something good. But, leave it to man to pervert something good.  I say it has been perverted because, I fought the good old boys in the military.

                       Like any large corporation they have rules but, there are the UN-written rules. (The Grey Areas) That's where the good old boys step in. You see they bend the rules to fit their needs.

                      I have had many a late night, UN-witnessed, meetings with a top member of the good old boys. These meetings usually ended with a warning either you fall in line and, do what we say or, you and, your family will suffer.

                     Now, It really didn't bother me for them to threaten me, I've been threatened before. You just have to be extra careful and, be prepared for them to come at you. But, when they threatened my family that was another thing.

                    I've watched the good old boys steal, lie and, even cause the death of people just for the sake of their ideals and, protection of fellow good old boys. If you are in a powerful position you have to play along and, lie and, steal for their sake.

                   A good majority of them are highly prejudice. I say this only because I'm not and, don't like those who are. I have witnessed many of my friends fall by the wayside because they had, what the good old boys considered, the wrong color of skin.

                  This is why in the past I have placed my backing behind Gov. Sarah Palin for President. She went up against the good old boys and, shockingly made it out alive.

                  I say shockingly but, it's not really that big a shock she was high profile. If she was a nobody that no one would miss she would be gone. Do I sound like a conspiracy nut? It comes from being to long at the top.

                 I have a problem I have landed right in the middle of the good old boys and, have a brother that defends them every step of the way.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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