Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Letter To Sen. Marco Rubio!"


                            Many think those right wing nuts or, conservative crazies only watch the Fox News channel for the news about politics.

                            However, those of us who are not brain dead, realized along time ago that just as CNN,HLN, MSNBC and, the other drive by media.

                            Will only report news that is favorable to the Democratic or, socialist party, the Fox News network does the same. Fox news only reports news that's favorable to the Republican or, Establishment politicians.

                           Those of us that are serious political followers go to other sources. We watch CSPAN and, CSPAN2

                           CSPAN covers the House of Representatives where it has 418 members, where you can not see how the congressman voted, CSPAN2 covers the Senate.

                           Because the Senate only has 100 senators, you can tell how and, who votes for what.

                           So, now we get to the message to you Sen. Rubio. The message is this, I once said you were for Amnesty due to the reporting of you saying one thing in Spanish and another in English.

                           The thing is Senator you display commercials of how you fight for our rights and, how much better we would all be if your were President.

                            Senator you must be counting on the ignorance of voters. We have been watching you and how you have been voting on CSPAN2.

                            So please stop with the lies on your commercials. I do realize you will not stop because you want to become the new Liar & Chef in the White House.

                            I just want you to know we see you. We also have watched the one Senator you have been talking bad about. Sen. Ted Cruz has actually done what you try to say you've done.

                           Sen. Ted Cruz has fought against you on amnesty and, the HR-3590 Obama Care.

                          The poison pill placed in,  you and, the gang of eight's amnesty bill. and, the filibuster Sen. Ted Cruz did to fight the funding of Obama care that you voted to fund.

                          Recently, you voted with the Democrats, to increase the size of government to insure that those who need pain relieving medication do not get it.

                           The government increase comes with the manpower increase to enforce the taking away these medications.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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