Thursday, August 6, 2015

"Thursday Aug. 6th, 2015 Republican Debate"

                   Lets see you have Marco Rubio, the candidate that depends on your interpreter depends on whither he is for amnesty or not. 

                  The candidate that voted to fund Barack Obama's illegal amnesty program through the INS. One good thing is his stance on the Iranian deal.

                   You have Jeb Bush the son of George H.W. Bush. the candidate that is for amnesty and, the United Nations Common Core. 

                   Common Core is the education program controlled by the federal government. It also requires parents to supply their religious information.

                    We also have Rick Perry the candidate that last election had, what I call a brain fart, which everyone can have at times. 

                   The one thing that disturbed me is it came out right at the last of the debates is his policy, while he was Texas state governor, of giving out free collage tuition to illegal immigrants. 

                  I wonder does his thinking also include a thought of those who are legally in this country like United States Citizens, of their education abilities?

                  Does his thinking also include the fact that giving free tuition to illegal immigrants provide a perfect magnet to Mexican Citizens to get an education?

                  There is Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Mike Huklebee, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and, Bobby Jindal.

                  Donald Trump is a candidate that stirs the soup! he is being attacked by the establishment liberal Republicans.  You know the congress that just recently voted to continue funding the cutting up of infants and, selling their body parts.

                  Yes, this is not just Democrats, its Republicans that took up a vote on the floor. the vote was to DE-fund Planned Parenthood which failed to pass (with a Republican run Congress)

                  While I agree with Donald trump on almost every issue, I think he lacks the very important leadership trait of "Tact" without this trait a leader could get us into a war.

                   I am for Donald Trump Light,  I am for someone that has the same courage that Mr. Trump has, in which he has shown it. 

                  Recently he showed the leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, for what he truly is,  a liberal Obama stooge. This Senate leader believes in nothing but putting on a good show.

                  My choice for President came as close as you can get, without getting thrown out of the Senate, to calling Sen. McConnell a liar.

                  My choice of course is "Ted Cruz"

"Ted Cruz for President"


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