Saturday, August 8, 2015

"The Top Ten Republican Debate for President 2015-16"


                     The nine o'clock debate of August 6, 2015 for the 2016 presidential primary.

1. CEO Donald Trump
2. Gov. Jeb Bush
3. Gov. Scott Walker
4. Gov. Mike Huckabee
5. Doc. Ben Carson
6. Sen. Ted Cruz
7. Sen. Marco Rubio
8. Sen. Rand Paul
9. Gov. Chris Christie
10. Gov. John Kasich

                          The nine o'clock monitors Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and, Bret Baier.  As I mentioned before the Fox news monitors spoke more then the candidates themselves.

                         The five o'clock debate was held in a more professional manor. I like Megyn Kelly but, I think she needs to be more serious in her conduct.

                        Replacing the joke that's holding the office of President right now is a serious matter. Not taking it serious, is what got us Barack Obama.

Question: Will you as a candidate make a pledge right now to not run as a third party candidate and, support the one who has won the Republican nomination.

Answer: Donald Trump says he may run as a third party candidate even though it is described as, to do so would assure the election of the socialist candidate for president.

Sen. Rand Paul points out that Donald Trump buys and sells politicians. Mr. Trump does not deny it.

Gov. Jeb Bush Not strong enough to go up against the socialist. Showed fear of Donald Trump attack. A Republican Rhino.

Gov. Scott Walker;  Gives standard GOP Rhetoric of solutions to problems. Go along to get along. 

Gov. Mike Huckabee; The Governor surprised me he came out swinging. I pictured  him as a Republican Jimmy Carter. But, here he showed a fight not seen before. I need to investigate further.

He also spoke of the crooked dealings of Washington, D.C. I love it!

Doc. Ben Carson; I like him but, I'm wondering is he strong enough to face up with the socialist. I think he is Intelligent enough but, intelligence does not a leader make.

I don't think he would go along to get along.

Sen. Marco Rubio: I don't think he is strong enough to go up against the socialist top dog. 

As I have said in the past I do not like the episode where it was reported that he spoke to a private Hispanic crowd in Spanish, that he believes in amnesty. 

However, he said to the English speaking population that he does not believe in amnesty. There was another interpreter in the crowd that translated it as the opposite of what he said in Spanish. Don't trust him.

Sen. Rand Paul; I like his energy and, his enthusiasm but, he would convert this country to isolationism. Which would get us into a war.

Gov. Chris Christie; When he was asked the first time about if he was going to  run for president, he said no. 

But, he also said he was for amnesty and, in his state he is going to push for illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses. 

Understand that in most states to get a voters Identification card is to show a drivers license. Another Republican Rhino.

Gov. John Kasich; The fact that instead of shrinking state government he enlarged it by expanding Medicare. He did this by accepting federal money knowing it had strings attached.

Also he knew that by enlarging medicare the federal money would only be for a couple of years, then it would be the states responsibility to cover the bill.
Go along to get along Rhino Republican.

Finally Sen. Ted Cruz; he has shown that a true leader takes up the charge even though its not a popular decision. He has shown true leadership against his own party and, the socialist.

Calling his own Republican Senate leader a liar. My grandad once said "The Only Honest Politician, is the one out of office" Ted Cruz makes this not true and, I'm glad.

(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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