Thursday, August 20, 2015

"North Korea VS South Korea"


                     When I was stationed in Korea, it was around Christmas time, One of the things you learn while your there is, only the Warsaw Pact and, NATO countries have ever signed a peace agreement.

                      This was done to cease military actions, to end the war. North and, South Korea have never signed a cease fire. The two countries are always firing across the border at each other.

                     North Korea has large amounts of infiltrators constantly crossing the border to conduct counter espionage.

                     This is the reason why ever since the end of the so called police action(Korean War) service members receive hazardous duty pay and, because of their time spent in  S. Korea, they are accepted into the Veterans Of Foreign War Organization. (VFW)

                    It was told to me that we are there to keep the South (Our side) from attacking the North.

                   Recently it was brought up on the news, of how the South Koreans are playing negative connotations across the border at the North.

                  I comment on this because, while I was there it was Christmas time and, my first time up on the "Z" (DMZ)* the North Koreans had placed big cone, loud speakers set up at their observation posts.

                 They were playing Christmas music on them. I remember thinking isn't  that nice of them. I thought this until the music stopped. As we were driving to the trouble spot, someone started talking.

                 They started talking about me, they knew my name they said my wife was at home cheating on me and, my kids hated me. Now I was just a know nothing Buck Sargent, just been in the country two weeks. Why?

                 This really freaked me out because, I didn't know how they got this information. I went to my Company commander and, he said that's part of their tactics.

                   Someone probably threw paperwork away that a N. Korean spy picked up. So this news of the Korean Peninsula trouble is no surprise. 

(*) "Z" (DMZ): Demilitarized Zone.

(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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