Monday, July 6, 2015

The Federal Government Supports The Christian Belief System"


                      The Supreme court re-enforces the Christian belief that all people that desire to be together should be involved in a Christian religious ritual of marriage.

                      At the same time, in Oklahoma, left wing, Oklahoma Supreme court  orders, the rules/laws of God, that guide our morals and, remind us to be good to our fellow man, be taken down.

                    Yes, the Supreme court of, what was known as the bible belt, has ordered that the Ten Commandments be taken down off the Oklahoma City court house.

                   Confused? Well its simple this is all a part of the Democratic left wing agenda of the destruction of the Christian and, Jewish religions. You see the Ten Commandments remind them of the evil they commit against their fellow man. (Can't have that)

                  They also know that almost all Christian and, Jewish churches hold that Sodomy is against Gods laws. This way, if the churches are forced to marry same sex couples, this attacks the basic belief system of the religion.

                 Thus beginning the destruction of Gods Houses of worship.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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