Monday, July 6, 2015

"Donald Trump VS Ted Cruz!"


                   I have said in the past, that I want a fighter in the White House. A fighter, that will fight back the forces of Socialist evil that is trying to take over this country and, take away our individual rights.

                  I don't know about you but, I'm tired of the wimpy Republican politicians that is standing in line to agree with the socialist party because, they are afraid.

                You've got these candidates running for office that say the solution to the problems, in Washington, is compromise. Can't we all just get along? Well, have you seen the fruit of the wimpy Republican compromise's? 

               The Democratic party has been asking the Republican party outside for a fight for a long time now! Ever since Nixon. I think its time we throw down!

                  On the socialist side you have Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and, some new guy that I don't even know his name. 

                  All of them are playing who's the biggest socialist. Mrs. Clinton can not get out of the way of her being a woman to explain her plans and, her past. What gets me is she is so arrogant that she thinks that she is above suspicion.

                 She should not have to answer for actions in the past. Dodging questions left and, right. Getting mad if anyone should ask questions about her character.

                   You don't like what Donald Trump is saying? You say he is too harsh or, to cruel?  You say he's prejudice, right! Well, ask yourself this, if life is so terrible in Mexico then what is the Mexican government doing about it.

                  Why does the United States have to take care of the Mexican government's people?

                  The problem with Donald Trump is, he lacks one very important leadership trait. He lacks TACT.  Someone explained tact as the ability to tell someone to go to hell and, make them happy they are on the way.

                   Mr. Trump is a Economical Political Activist.  He sees no other way of telling the story without rubbing people the wrong way.

                    This is not a good thing for someone, that wants to be the countries top diplomat.  Ted Cruz has said he likes Donald Trump. I think what he likes about the Donald is his fight.

                     This is why my vote is going to Ted Cruz (R-TX). He is a fighter and, a diplomat. He will not back down from a political fight. The Establishment supported Republicrat candidates do not like Ted Cruz.

                     They know he will not back down. He is not a coward like them.
Marco Rubio: hows your Spanish to English translation? Jeb Bush and his support of the United Nations "Common Core" Chris Christie: in his support of illegal immigrant drivers licenses and, his support of Amnesty,

                    Rand Paul and, his isolationist views plus his support of Obama's Amnesty bill/Obama Care.

                    I can't remember his name but, he's the ex-Governor of Texas, you know the one that is for giving free collage educations to illegal immigrants and, couldn't remember the third department he would do away with during the debates.

                   I'm sorry but, there is entirely to many cowardly lion Republicans that are running,  for me to name them all.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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