Monday, July 6, 2015

"Greece" (The Future Of The United States)


                        People say, the reason why Greece is having financial problems is because they refuse to pay higher taxes.  All you have to do is visit the country and, you'll find out that's NOT  true!

                        I was stationed in the military there in the early to mid 80's. During that time it was roughly around 33 to 35 Drachmas per dollar. Greece is a backward country, mainly because of the socialist Democratic government holding them back.

                      In the country of Greece, by their written law, you are guilty until proven innocent. This means the person in jail has to prove they did not commit the crime.

                     You can, if a Greek citizen sees you waving or, pointing at them, be locked for practicing witchcraft. They can claim you put a hex on them. Again your guilty until proven innocent.

                     The Greeks already pay 65 to 70% of their income in taxes. This is to pay for their social programs. Government health care, Welfare and, food subsidiaries. 

                     You, as a tourist in the 80's, paid 108%, yes that's right I said 108% export taxes on anything you buy on the Greek economy that has a value of $50.00 or more, only if you want to take it out of the country.

                     I do love their three wheeled cars. their broiled pork on a pancake, Ouzo and, they have the smoothest wine coolers.

                     Nothing is free there. They even have walls erected on the beach so you have to pay to get on the beach. 30 Drachmas. All these prices were in the early to mid 80's, heaven only knows how expensive it is now.

                    You see these are true Democratic beliefs! The Democratic party, that is now in power and, is trying to keep the power of government, of the United States believes their is no such thing as to many taxes.

                   Take a look around the country, of how many Democratic run states are creating new taxes and, increasing the already existing taxes. This is to pay for their so called free benefits, that you pay for.

                  Watch what happens to Greece because, they could not say no to the ever increasing social benefits of their people. The United States is not to big to fail and, it could happen here.

                 Remember, one of the three world banks that rate a countries credit ratings, dropped the United States credit rating from a triple A rating to a double A rating for the first time in history, due to Democratic rule.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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