Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"VI Conduct of a President"


                 In a continuation of my 14 part post in what I look for in my choice of a President is as follows.

VI.         Conduct of The President

               If the Presidency of Barack Obama has taught us anything it has taught us this, one a candidate will tell you anything to get in the office of President. Once they get in they don't have to worry about keeping any promise.

                A Constitutional Convention can create an on line promise bank that publicly states if a candidate places a  promise on this site then that candidate can be legally charged with campaign fraud. 

              With possible penalties of impeachment strict I know but, something has to be done.

              Also President Obama and, the liberals have stretched the definition of what the Constitution means to the furthest levels ever reached.

             So since we found out we can not count on the honor of the person holding the office of President, we need to narrow the meaning of the constitution.

            If the Constitution is defined, then their can be laws created to charge politicians who violate their oath of office. Thus re-enforcing of the Constitution.

              The authorization of the President to appoint any Attorney Generals be revoked. Thus, truly creating three separate branches of federal government, not controlled by the President.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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