If the President is willing, the answer to the I.S.S.I. threat is simple! Re-build the military that he has torn down. Then, if it is true that the Muslim nations consider Iraq as sacred ground and, are fighting the forces of I.S.S.I.
After you rebuild our military, consult the Congress to get there approval. Then go on live TV and, in an address to the Muslim nations, tell them we the United States will fight off the forces of I.S.S.I however its gonna cost.
The cost is this, if the United States is willing to pay for a war with our lives and, money against this evil, then they (the Muslim nations) need to agree to allow the United States and, it's Allie's to occupy the country of Iraq for at least 20 years.
The Muslim nations must agree publicly that they or, their military will not take any kind of actions violent or, other wise against the U.S. military or, it's civilian counterparts within the country of Iraq.
The Muslim countries must agree to this on both live TV and, at the United Nations. Unless this happens the Middle East can fight it out amongst themselves. Iran is a different subject!
"Ted Cruz for President"
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