One of the divisions of America is what is considered to be a life. Christians and, conservatives consider life to begin at conception, others believe life starts at birth.
There are those who wish to dictate sometime between conception and, birth is when life begins. There are those who really don't care when life begins.
I agree, no one person has a right to tell a woman what she can and, can not do with her body,as long as it does not effect anyone else. It is your body and, only you will answer for any wrong you do to it.
However you must realize others consider it murder for you to end a life like this. When you use their tax money to do this you include them in your actions. So in effect they are helping you murder a little being.
I am a firm believer that human beings have a right to do what ever they choose to do, as long as it does not effect anyone else. Once it does you include them in your actions.
So I propose the following; remove the decisions of the ending of a pregnancy from the mother and, the doctors.
Create a system that states from the time of conception to 4.5 months, if the mother wishes to end her pregnancy for mental or, physical reasons she must, at government expense, seek out legal authority to do so.
In other words set aside certain judges to pass judgement as to whither or, not the pregnancy should be ended or, the child should be adopted.
Criminal judges pass judgement on murderers almost everyday. Let them and, only them have the wisdom of life and, death of a pregnancy.
This will allow the woman the burden of showing why this life should end. These women have a right to express their feelings too. Only exception would be, if the mothers life is in jeopardy between the 4.5 months to birth.
Then the mother should have the decision to end the pregnancy. This will not end the back street abortions but, it will end the ill feelings toward those mothers and, doctors who have abortions.
This will also stop the guilt of people paying tax money for abortions.
"Ted Cruz for President"
One of the divisions of America is what is considered to be a life. Christians and, conservatives consider life to begin at conception, others believe life starts at birth.
There are those who wish to dictate sometime between conception and, birth is when life begins. There are those who really don't care when life begins.
I agree, no one person has a right to tell a woman what she can and, can not do with her body,as long as it does not effect anyone else. It is your body and, only you will answer for any wrong you do to it.
However you must realize others consider it murder for you to end a life like this. When you use their tax money to do this you include them in your actions. So in effect they are helping you murder a little being.
I am a firm believer that human beings have a right to do what ever they choose to do, as long as it does not effect anyone else. Once it does you include them in your actions.
So I propose the following; remove the decisions of the ending of a pregnancy from the mother and, the doctors.
Create a system that states from the time of conception to 4.5 months, if the mother wishes to end her pregnancy for mental or, physical reasons she must, at government expense, seek out legal authority to do so.
In other words set aside certain judges to pass judgement as to whither or, not the pregnancy should be ended or, the child should be adopted.
Criminal judges pass judgement on murderers almost everyday. Let them and, only them have the wisdom of life and, death of a pregnancy.
This will allow the woman the burden of showing why this life should end. These women have a right to express their feelings too. Only exception would be, if the mothers life is in jeopardy between the 4.5 months to birth.
Then the mother should have the decision to end the pregnancy. This will not end the back street abortions but, it will end the ill feelings toward those mothers and, doctors who have abortions.
This will also stop the guilt of people paying tax money for abortions.
"Ted Cruz for President"
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