In this post I will explain why I will not vote for each of the other candidates and, why I'm casting my vote for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).
Democrats: Hilary Clinton, it's obvious as to the reason why she is running.
It is to continue President Barack Obama's path to socialism. Her Promise to the United Nations, do away with free Speech on the Internet.
Since I like my freedom's way to much to voluntarily give them up by voting for, what I call (the Female version of Obama) I will not cast my vote for someone who can not be trusted with the truth. (There are many more reasons of not voting for her but, the list is to long)
After all "What Difference Does It Make"
Democrats: Elizabeth Warren, She is more of a Marxist then the President is.
I have her on video stating that those business that make a profit are not the owners businesses they belong to the people.
After all it's the people that buy from them. The peoples taxes pay for the roads and, streets that allow people to drive to the stores to buy the products so, its the peoples.(By the way Liz. I'm an Native American Naturalized Citizen that has a C.D.I.B)
Republicans: Rand Paul, wants the country to go to isolationism.
I would like that too but, just like a socialist or, Communist rule, you can not go back.
We made a change years ago and, if we turn our backs on the world, I guarantee they will turn their backs on us if and, when we need them.
I also have in my possession a video of Rand Paul arguing on behalf of the Apple corporation.
When The Apple Corp. was one of the companies that then the Democratic Senate was going after for non payment of taxes that another country was not charging them.
It makes you wonder if Sen. Rand Paul has his hands in someone Else's pockets.
Republicans: Marco Rubio, not only did he vote for the President's Amnesty bill but, he was caught speaking to a Latino Group, in Spanish, saying he believes in amnesty for illegal immigrants.
He made this speech right after he made a speech in English stating he doe's not believe in amnesty.
Afterwards he claimed it was a mistake in translation. Well I think this election is to important, to vote for a person that has a problem with translation. Oh by the way I use to live in Florida.
The last year I lived there, the state government had it on the voters ballots to make Spanish the states authorized language. It was voted down but, it gives you the mind set of some of those to whom Sen. Rubio was speaking to.
Republicans: Rick Perry, if you remember correctly in the last debate he was in, it was revealed that he was for amnesty and, giving free collage tuition to illegals. He did this in Texas.
I'm not prejudice against Latinos I'm a Naturalized Citizen that's pro Law. The United States should should respect it's laws.
Republicans: Paul Ryan, He to signed on to the President's Amnesty bill. Also we need a stronger fighter. Anyone who knuckles under to the Democrats does not get my vote.
Republicans: Mike Huckabee, you know I like Mr. Huckabee but, I like a lot of people but, that doe's not mean I think they have what it takes to be the Leader of this country.
Mr. Huckabee has a good heart and, has the Ideals of this country in mind. But, I feel he is a Republican Gerald Ford or, Jimmy Carter. I still remember one of them saying, about the Salt II agreement, "That's the best we can hope for".
I heard this on the radio as the Soviet Union was moving Intercontinental Balistic Missile's into the wood line across from a military observation post.
Republicans: Jeb Bush, I'm tired of having a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Not only that the cowardly lions we voted into Congress, I think he is their choice.
Mr. Bush is for amnesty and,he will not do anything about the threat from our southern border.
Republican: Ben Carson, To be honest I don't know about this guy.
Republicans: Carly Fiorina, I don't know her policies but, if there is a choice between Hilary and, her, I'll choose the non-socialist.
Republicans: Ted Cruz, finally we come to my choice for President. Why, is it that I feel he is the strong leader who is not afraid to ruffle the feathers of both the Democrat and, Republican politicians.
Sen. Cruz has already done this. He had both Republicans and, Democrat's complaining when he filibustered the Senate, reading "Green Eggs and Ham" until he received assurances from Eric Holder that they would not use drones to kill U.S. citizens, in the United States.
The Attorney General Eric Holder gave in and, sent a message.
That my friends is a fighter and, a leader whom, I feel, we need to bring us back from the edge of lunacy that this President has brought us to.
"Ted Cruz for President"
In this post I will explain why I will not vote for each of the other candidates and, why I'm casting my vote for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).
Democrats: Hilary Clinton, it's obvious as to the reason why she is running.
It is to continue President Barack Obama's path to socialism. Her Promise to the United Nations, do away with free Speech on the Internet.
Since I like my freedom's way to much to voluntarily give them up by voting for, what I call (the Female version of Obama) I will not cast my vote for someone who can not be trusted with the truth. (There are many more reasons of not voting for her but, the list is to long)
After all "What Difference Does It Make"
Democrats: Elizabeth Warren, She is more of a Marxist then the President is.
I have her on video stating that those business that make a profit are not the owners businesses they belong to the people.
After all it's the people that buy from them. The peoples taxes pay for the roads and, streets that allow people to drive to the stores to buy the products so, its the peoples.(By the way Liz. I'm an Native American Naturalized Citizen that has a C.D.I.B)
Republicans: Rand Paul, wants the country to go to isolationism.
I would like that too but, just like a socialist or, Communist rule, you can not go back.
We made a change years ago and, if we turn our backs on the world, I guarantee they will turn their backs on us if and, when we need them.
I also have in my possession a video of Rand Paul arguing on behalf of the Apple corporation.
When The Apple Corp. was one of the companies that then the Democratic Senate was going after for non payment of taxes that another country was not charging them.
It makes you wonder if Sen. Rand Paul has his hands in someone Else's pockets.
Republicans: Marco Rubio, not only did he vote for the President's Amnesty bill but, he was caught speaking to a Latino Group, in Spanish, saying he believes in amnesty for illegal immigrants.
He made this speech right after he made a speech in English stating he doe's not believe in amnesty.
Afterwards he claimed it was a mistake in translation. Well I think this election is to important, to vote for a person that has a problem with translation. Oh by the way I use to live in Florida.
The last year I lived there, the state government had it on the voters ballots to make Spanish the states authorized language. It was voted down but, it gives you the mind set of some of those to whom Sen. Rubio was speaking to.
Republicans: Rick Perry, if you remember correctly in the last debate he was in, it was revealed that he was for amnesty and, giving free collage tuition to illegals. He did this in Texas.
I'm not prejudice against Latinos I'm a Naturalized Citizen that's pro Law. The United States should should respect it's laws.
Republicans: Paul Ryan, He to signed on to the President's Amnesty bill. Also we need a stronger fighter. Anyone who knuckles under to the Democrats does not get my vote.
Republicans: Mike Huckabee, you know I like Mr. Huckabee but, I like a lot of people but, that doe's not mean I think they have what it takes to be the Leader of this country.
Mr. Huckabee has a good heart and, has the Ideals of this country in mind. But, I feel he is a Republican Gerald Ford or, Jimmy Carter. I still remember one of them saying, about the Salt II agreement, "That's the best we can hope for".
I heard this on the radio as the Soviet Union was moving Intercontinental Balistic Missile's into the wood line across from a military observation post.
Republicans: Jeb Bush, I'm tired of having a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Not only that the cowardly lions we voted into Congress, I think he is their choice.
Mr. Bush is for amnesty and,he will not do anything about the threat from our southern border.
Republican: Ben Carson, To be honest I don't know about this guy.
Republicans: Carly Fiorina, I don't know her policies but, if there is a choice between Hilary and, her, I'll choose the non-socialist.
Republicans: Ted Cruz, finally we come to my choice for President. Why, is it that I feel he is the strong leader who is not afraid to ruffle the feathers of both the Democrat and, Republican politicians.
Sen. Cruz has already done this. He had both Republicans and, Democrat's complaining when he filibustered the Senate, reading "Green Eggs and Ham" until he received assurances from Eric Holder that they would not use drones to kill U.S. citizens, in the United States.
The Attorney General Eric Holder gave in and, sent a message.
That my friends is a fighter and, a leader whom, I feel, we need to bring us back from the edge of lunacy that this President has brought us to.
"Ted Cruz for President"
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