What might be obvious to some, may not be so obvious to others. That's why I'm posting this. Those of us that have witnessed the cruelty of a socialist dictatorial government and, a few others know what looks like change for the better, is only a rouge for control of the people.
Now what is obvious is that these actions that the President is doing is not to make this a third world country, it's not even to equal out the financial differences between the classes.
The purpose of his actions is to make the results of Capitalism so terrible that people will gladly go to socialism. If you are hungry enough and, your family is on the verge of dying you'll do almost anything to save them.
This is the purpose of the socialist/Marxist/Muslim party that is guiding the Democratic party in these hard times.
A dictatorship controls what you say, do or, even eat. It will even try to control what you think. A dictatorial government is control of the people be it a Marxist, Socialist, Communist and, even Muslim governments are a dictatorship.
There is no separation of church and, state in a Muslim government. The Muslim religion is the government. The Koran is their constitution. Men are the ruling party. Women have no say. The Men are Superior to everything. Those who do not believe in Allah are of less value then dirt.
This is the reason why they feel nothing when they kill Christians.
Why do you think President Obama is so easy going on the middle eastern countries that are our enemies. President Barack Obama is a Muslim who took an oath on a bible, in which he feels no obligation to uphold.
This is the reason why he will not honor the Constitution of the United States. He feels no honor in it. He is setting the stage.
"Ted Cruz for President"
What might be obvious to some, may not be so obvious to others. That's why I'm posting this. Those of us that have witnessed the cruelty of a socialist dictatorial government and, a few others know what looks like change for the better, is only a rouge for control of the people.
Now what is obvious is that these actions that the President is doing is not to make this a third world country, it's not even to equal out the financial differences between the classes.
The purpose of his actions is to make the results of Capitalism so terrible that people will gladly go to socialism. If you are hungry enough and, your family is on the verge of dying you'll do almost anything to save them.
This is the purpose of the socialist/Marxist/Muslim party that is guiding the Democratic party in these hard times.
A dictatorship controls what you say, do or, even eat. It will even try to control what you think. A dictatorial government is control of the people be it a Marxist, Socialist, Communist and, even Muslim governments are a dictatorship.
There is no separation of church and, state in a Muslim government. The Muslim religion is the government. The Koran is their constitution. Men are the ruling party. Women have no say. The Men are Superior to everything. Those who do not believe in Allah are of less value then dirt.
This is the reason why they feel nothing when they kill Christians.
Why do you think President Obama is so easy going on the middle eastern countries that are our enemies. President Barack Obama is a Muslim who took an oath on a bible, in which he feels no obligation to uphold.
This is the reason why he will not honor the Constitution of the United States. He feels no honor in it. He is setting the stage.
"Ted Cruz for President"
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