Saturday, May 30, 2015

"Ted Cruz For President"


                      I will be the first to admit it that I am a rebel rouser. I do not walk away from a fight and, I expect my choice for President to do the same.

                     After President Obama ordered the killing of United States Citizens overseas Senator Ted Cruz asked President Obama and, the Justice Department to clarify where they would use drones to kill other U.S. Citizens. 

                   To point of fact would they use drones to kill U.S. citizens on American soil?  President Barack Obama and, Eric Holder did what they normally did ignore the Congress.

                  So to get an answer from the President or the Justice Dept. he filibustered, til he received an answer. He did this against the objections of of Democratic Senators and, Republican Senators.

                He had nothing to gain by doing this and, he ruffled a lot of feathers. You might have heard about him reading "Green Eggs and, Ham" He did get his answer from the Attorney General.

              We need a conservative like him in the white house, to fight for our rights and, turn this country away from the socialist cliff this Islamic Extremist President has taken us to.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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