Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Vietnam Revisited"


                       I have heard how we should send in the special forces and, adviser's into Syria to teach and, advise.

                      Tell me can anyone remember how the Vietnam War started. I tell you they sent in Special Forces and, adviser's. 

                      How about we do what has worked in the past but, a little different.  How about instead of doing 40% of the bombing sorties, we do a 100%. How about instead of worrying about civilian casualties.

                     Increasing the amount of sorties, if the left don't like that, we can have our Middle East allies tell their people if they want to stay alive stay out of Iraq.

                   Once that happens, they will run but, we stop the bombing giving them enough time to come back in and, then we bomb the hell out of them again.

                  We keep it up but, alternate the time between  groups of bombing sorties.  Once you bomb the ISIS trash will run and hide till it's safe again

                  Once the targets are softened up enough then send in the mechanized infantry with back up armored and, artillery.

                This time we don't ask permission to stay we occupy. We instead of just talking about how good capitalism is we stay for 20 years and, demonstrate how good it can be.

               We also guard the borders with a area in between as no mans land.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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