In the Senate today, December 2, 2015, is a bill to fulfill the Republicans promise to get rid of HR 3590. Repeal Obama Care!
The President and, King's socialist Mandated Health Care Plan. Since the Democrats have in the past had a policy of never let an opportunity pass.
We should do the same. Now Obama like he has done in the past, promises to veto it and has Vetoed anything to take away the enforcement of this Obama Care.
I'm calling for every United States Citizen that has had problems from this over reach by the Federal Government to give them a hand to make it veto proof.
The Republican's have a majority but, not veto proof.
Call your Senator and Congressmen, be it Republican or, Democrat, to vote to repeal it.
If enough Democrat Senators and, Congressmen, listen to you and, vote to repeal HR 3590 Obama Care, we can create a veto proof repeal.
We the people put these politicians in there to do this. We jammed the switchboards to oppose the President Bush and, Sen. Kennedy's amnesty bill.
Lets do this. If you don't know your Senator and, Congressman's phone number, for your Senator, type in the search box ussenate.gov.com.
For your Congressmen, type ushouse.gov.com. You may also go to clerkofthehouse.gov.com .
Sen. Boxer (D-CA) and her comrade Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) have suggested this is an attack on women. It is not!
It is important for me to point out that, not only is in this bill to repeal Obama care, it has a part in it to defund Planned Parenthood.
I don't know about you but, I'm tired of my tax money going to an organization that kills the unborn and, if you believe the video footage, the selling of baby body parts.
The reason I say, if you believe the videos
After the videos were released, of leaders of planned parenthood discussing the price of baby parts.
The socialist left, quickly, came out that we should not believe those videos they were doctored up. I make my own DVDs.
I've been told It's hard, if not impossible to change Digital video and, that's what the videos are.
It was easy for them to accept into evidence the Rodney King beating in which I agree with taking the video into evidence.
The shooting of a young African American kid by the policeman with a 16 shot revolver.
Those videos were digital also and, were entered into evidence. The Democrats only believe in things that helps their agenda.
The Senate will vote on the bill tomorrow!
"Ted Cruz for President"
In the Senate today, December 2, 2015, is a bill to fulfill the Republicans promise to get rid of HR 3590. Repeal Obama Care!
The President and, King's socialist Mandated Health Care Plan. Since the Democrats have in the past had a policy of never let an opportunity pass.
We should do the same. Now Obama like he has done in the past, promises to veto it and has Vetoed anything to take away the enforcement of this Obama Care.
I'm calling for every United States Citizen that has had problems from this over reach by the Federal Government to give them a hand to make it veto proof.
The Republican's have a majority but, not veto proof.
Call your Senator and Congressmen, be it Republican or, Democrat, to vote to repeal it.
If enough Democrat Senators and, Congressmen, listen to you and, vote to repeal HR 3590 Obama Care, we can create a veto proof repeal.
We the people put these politicians in there to do this. We jammed the switchboards to oppose the President Bush and, Sen. Kennedy's amnesty bill.
Lets do this. If you don't know your Senator and, Congressman's phone number, for your Senator, type in the search box ussenate.gov.com.
For your Congressmen, type ushouse.gov.com. You may also go to clerkofthehouse.gov.com .
Sen. Boxer (D-CA) and her comrade Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) have suggested this is an attack on women. It is not!
It is important for me to point out that, not only is in this bill to repeal Obama care, it has a part in it to defund Planned Parenthood.
I don't know about you but, I'm tired of my tax money going to an organization that kills the unborn and, if you believe the video footage, the selling of baby body parts.
The reason I say, if you believe the videos
After the videos were released, of leaders of planned parenthood discussing the price of baby parts.
The socialist left, quickly, came out that we should not believe those videos they were doctored up. I make my own DVDs.
I've been told It's hard, if not impossible to change Digital video and, that's what the videos are.
It was easy for them to accept into evidence the Rodney King beating in which I agree with taking the video into evidence.
The shooting of a young African American kid by the policeman with a 16 shot revolver.
Those videos were digital also and, were entered into evidence. The Democrats only believe in things that helps their agenda.
The Senate will vote on the bill tomorrow!
"Ted Cruz for President"
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