Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Why Ted Cruz vs a Non-Politician"


                          Have we not had enough of Presidents needing "On The Job Training"? Donald Trump has not said how he's going to perform all these miracles.

                          Isn't that what President Barack Obama did? He promised us he was gonna do a lot of things he didn't do and, didn't tell us how he's gonna do it!

                         Both, President Obama and, Mr. Trump are and, will be OJT. Carly Fiorina has not been clear on Immigration. Ben Carson I'm sorta thinking he is not forceful enough to deal with the enemy both foreign and, domestic.

                        Why do you think Donald Trump has not attacked Sen. Ted Cruz at all? It's because Ted Cruz has fought for what Mr. Trump is for. 

                         Sen. Ted Cruz is Donald Trump (Light)  Sen. Cruz fought against the Democrats and, the Republicans three times when it was NOT good for his career.

                         He filibustered the Senate three separate times, once on Obamacare, once on Obama's executive amnesty bill and, the Homeland security bill. 

                          Sen. Cruz has went so far as to call  Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-R)
a liar. That maybe the reason why the other senator from Kentucky attacked Sen. Cruz.

                         He read "Green Eggs and, Ham"  in his filibuster on his question of whither Attorney General Eric Holder and, President Obama will use drones to kill U.S. citizens on American soil.

                         This Senator is a fighter and, is not a coward like the rest of the Sen. Lindsey Grahams of the Congress.

                          It really does not matter who you put in the White House because there are two things that must happen to turn this country around.

                          First, a Conservative President can not do it alone he or, she must have help. That means a Conservative Senate and, House.

                          Second, all of the many things that need to be reversed that the socialists have done to this country and, to insure they can not do it again, is hold a "Constitutional Convention" 

                          Without a Constitutional Convention we will be back to the situation we are in right now in ten years or, so.

                           So ask the tough question to your pick of candidate.

                 "Will You As President Push for a Constitutional Convention and, push for amendments to it?"  To get input from the states as to how to change the Constitution.

(Ben Carson"
"Ted Cruz for President"


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