Friday, October 16, 2015

"Fox News and, Blaming the Republicans"


                I get a kick out of Republicans saying they get the blame for shutting down the government, when the majority of the news media are on the Democratic socialist side.

               Of course they are going to report it's the Republican's fault. How about it Fox news, how about helping the Republican side out?

              Report "That the reason why the federal government shut down is because, President Obama wants Planned Parenthood to continue cutting up babies"

              Report "The reason why the federal government is shut down is because the Republican's don't want to fund President Obama's illegal amnesty executive orders".

             Report "The federal government is shut down because the President of the United States wants Iran to have Nuclear weapons".

             Rather then let that happen the Republicans used their constitutional right of the Congressional purse strings and, shut the government down because of a Presidential Veto!

            It may not be apparent to others but, no other President has got Iran to sign a nuclear agreement. President Obama wants this agreement to be his legacy.

             By the way if it truly is a Transparent government, why doesn't the Congress use the transparency of the Internet and, create a website to list how all of our Congressmen and, Senators voted?

            Why do we have to watch CSPAN and, by word of mouth to find out how our representatives voted?

(Ben Carson)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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