Friday, September 18, 2015

"The Clock"


                      A young, middle school, Muslim boy gets arrested for bringing a clock to school. Would this have happened if his skin was whiter? Was he arrested because of the color of his skin?

                     In this world of evil men wanting pit brother against brother, this is one of the tools. 

                    In Vietnam,  soldiers were getting blown up because of the North Vietnamese and, lets face it the Chinese thought so little of life so much as to use little children as human bombs.

                    So the phrase (through Jane Fonda) of "Baby Killer" was born. The UN-ethical tactics of using children to kill your enemy was born. No more rules of war

                   I don't think he should have been arrested but, the device should have been examined on site. Unless the police did this to make a statement.

                  President Barack Obama is making a statement also. He is saying to the people it's OK to bring devices to your school. This is possibly to make it easier for terrorists to bring real bombs to your schools.

(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"


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