This is a message to the ruling socialist party, both Republican and, Democrats.
The people of the United States are about to nominate for president the biggest asshole in the world and, you think you can slip a Beohner clone in as speaker of the House.
But, it seems that to get the Obama agenda accomplished, Speaker Beohner is gonna stick around to make sure the Iranians get their Nukes and, Planned Parenthood continues selling baby parts.
Yes, it seems that the institution that the Speaker has been talking about preserving, is more important then the people of The United States.
He wants to stick around to insure Congress votes to ratify the Obama deal with Iran. He also believes the same way Sen. Lindsey Graham does.
If we shut down the federal government for the unborn babies sake the Republican party will get the blame. It will do ill repairable damage to the Republican party.
The baby killing left wing media will be sure to make it out in the news that it's the Republican Party that has shut down the government.
Yes, says the cowardly lion of the land of Beohner's land of Oz.
"Ted Cruz for President"
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