From the start the plan that was conducted by a pro Democrat/Liberal network as CNN. Notice the commentators are more interested in pitting candidates against each other then the substance of their views.
To be honest there could be many reasons. First, it could be they do not want their viewing audience to know their views. For ratings lets face it people are mad and, people want to see a good fight.
If you notice the whole debate was focused on Donald Trump. Though I don't care for Sen. Rand Paul and, his ideas the commentators stayed away from Ted Cruz and, Rand Paul.
It has been said the reason why the debate was conducted in such a way is because the Liberals want to pick our candidate. Liberals do not want either two to be in the White House.
My choice of who won the debate is Carly Fiorina. Second choice is Mike Huckabee and, Ted Cruz.
My choice for President has not been shaken it is still, Ted Cruz.
Carly Fiorina presented herself in a great stately manner and, was not pulled into the stupid attempt to by the CNN commentators, to get them to loose their temper.
My favorite comment was "All the Women in America know what Mr. Trump said" this was in reply to his face comment.
1. Almost all of them have disagreed with the supreme court ruling on same sex marriage and, the jailing of the clerk who refused to issue a marriage license to gay couples.
None of them has said what they would do to fix the problem.
(As long as you have the Federal government promoting religion through marriage and, denying the religious freedoms of others you will have this problem)
Remove the authority of government, both state and federal, officials to perform marriages.
2. Sen. Lindsey Graham has shown that he is part of the problem of the cowardly Republicans in Congress. He will, like other Republicans in Congress, give up without a fight. Immigration/Obamcare/Planned Parenthood.
3. Does the President and, Congress bare some responsibility of the Syrian refugees. Yes but, President Obama started it by drawing a line for chemical weapons.
He said if they used them he would commit troops but, only limited. These should be called "The Obama Syrian Refugees" Unless you commit the troops to win, don't commit!
4. Both Carly Fiorina and, Ted Cruz said if you have to shut the government down to defund Planned Parenthood then it should be shut down. This country should not stand if it stands for selling baby parts.
My opinion is this, the leaders of Iran calls us the great Satan. If we stand for the selling of baby parts, then we are the great Satan.
5. It comes out that Sen. Graham has said that Sec. of State Hilary Clinton was a great Secretary of State.
6. Minimum wage some say raise the minimum wage others don't agree. No one has said lets do something to lower the cost of living so they won't need a higher wage.
7. We have occupied West Germany and, Korea since the end of the wars. It should be that if we have to use our American lives in a foreign country to fight for their country. So that those lives, that are lost, are not waisted.
The country that requests our help go before the world on a worldwide television broadcast to ask for our help and, state that they understand that when the majority of the fighting is over that to insure security, the country of The United States will occupy their country for 20 years.
8. The Iranian agreement. If you watched the debate you saw the ones that said lets not tear up the agreement lets see if Iran obeys the agreement.
Now we can possibly excuse the governors that don't know what was in the agreement but the Senators is inexcusable.
Sen. Rand Paul says lets not tear up the agreement lets see if they follow it.
Sen. Ted Cruz among others have read the agreement and has said it is ridiculous.
The Agreement; The United Nations inspectors can inspect all the sites but, certain sites the inspectors have to give 48 hrs notice prior to inspecting.
Also any soil inspections will be conducted by them. Any violations shall be checked by them (The Fox guarding the hen house)
Sen. Paul how do you find out if they are violating the agreement if they are the ones that tell you? Aren't you being naive to think they will tell you if they violate?
(Carly Fiorina)
"Ted Cruz for President"