Friday, April 10, 2015

"The 2016 Elected President?" (Candidate)


                         Let's see we got Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and, Rand Paul.  Now of course there's the side that believes in a Dictatorship. Hilary Clinton,  Elizabeth Warren and, Who?

                       I don't know about you but, I'm voting for freedom!  Lets look at each one so far, 

                      We have Rand Paul that is, I feel a modified Barack Obama, in his foreign policy. Plus his, let Iran have a bomb thoughts of his father, Ron Paul. His, you'll speak nice about a Libertarian  candidate or, I will kill you followers of his fathers.

                    The question is do you trust Rand Paul enough to believe he is not just saying this to get elected?

                     Now, do we need that kind of President, when we have a President that has the Main stream Media in his back pocket. A media that will go after anyone that criticizes the president.

                   There's Maraco Rubio which we have learned from his speech in Florida that depends on your Spanish to English interpretation whither he means,  he is for Amnesty for the 30 million illegal immigrants that broke the law getting into this country or not.

                 Then there is Ted Cruz which I am voting for, why?  Well,  I am an old soldier who, has went up against the Establishment (Good Ole Boy Network). 

                Those of us that has bucked the lies, prejudice and, deception that they practice know that this may be our last chance at gaining what we lost with Obama and, bringing us back from destruction.

               Now Scott Walker  I like but, I just feel, he may like poking a stick at the liberal Republican's  but, he will submit to the good old boys.

               I want a fighter. Scott Walker fought for his state but, Ted Cruz stood up before the world in Washington and,  fought for my right, not to be branded a terrorist and, killed by a drone.

                One question, do you think Ted Cruz would  have read "Green Eggs and, Ham" to Congress in a filibuster to make the Obama administration state they will no longer kill American citizens with drones, if he was going to turn tail and, run.

               We have a chicken Sh_t Republican Party! We need somebody that is not afraid of them and, who is brave enough to do what needs to be done. If there is one thing a Rebel knows, that is the signs of another rebel.

              We need a rebel like Ted Cruz in the White House!

"Ted Cruz for President"


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