Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Monica's Boyfriend's Wife"


                      So she is running for President. I can not believe she is honestly running for office. Before you vote for this person, you should ask yourself a couple of questions.

1.  Do you like Obama Care? If you don't, when you vote for Mrs. Clinton you will keep it. After all Obama Care was Hillary Care before it was Obama Care. 

       If you remember one of the arguments, that then Senator Barack Obama raised against Mrs. Clinton, was.  She mandated Health care. After he won the election she supported him, he and, his minions past Obama Care and, Mrs. Clinton was appointed as his Secretary of State.  I say this was done for her bid for the Presidency in 2016.

2. In her bid for President in 2008 she had a advertisement that asked "Will there be someone there to answer the phone, in an emergency, at three am in the Morning?"

 Question: Where was Mrs. Clinton at, when Ambassador Stevens called for her help In Benghazi?  Her Question "What difference does it make?"

3. This person used her private E-Mail account for her government job as Secretary of State. To be fair the rules against using private e-mail accounts in performance of your government job changed in the middle of her job.

However, the fact that she continued using her private account after the rule took effect is suspicious. Her excuse that she did not want to use two separate phones does not really hold water.

I am not that high tech and, even I know you can use one device for two e-mail addresses. So question: Do you really want a President that does not understand this?

She has erased her servers of her private e-mail account! Suspicious.

4. She promised the United Nations Security Council, after the Benghazi attack that, she and, the United States would close down free speech on the Internet, if it contained anything negative against Islam. 

5. Last but, not least are you really going to vote for this woman just so a woman can sit in the White House?

Many people voted for Barack Obama just to see a black man in the White House.

Understand this if you allow yourself to be buffaloed into voting for her or, an establishment Republican you will insure the direction to a dictatorship with Socialism as the guideline.

Some of us old folks have witnessed this in other countries. It's this way the U.S.S.R. fell and, tried to go to a United States type of government they have not yet been successful. To much greed.(Crooks)  There's no turning back.

Side note: Hillary operatives have put it out that the following words and, Phrases are not to be used when describing Mrs. Clinton. 

Polarizing, Calculating, Inevitable, entitled, Over Confident, Secretive,  Out of Touch and, "The Little General"

"Ted Cruz for President"


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