Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Those Who Don't Remember History, Is Doomed to Repeat It!"


                                In 2008 we didn't know that much about the future President Barack Obama. So we didn't know the evil in his heart.

                                After his first four years we kind of had a feeling he was up to no good! So we set out to warn people if you vote for him again you deserve the government you get.

                                No one listened so, they voted him back in office. Most of the ones that voted for him were sorry they did.

                               He ran under the promise of "Hope and, Change" he didn't say what kind of change he had in mind. But, yes, we saw it and,  he almost brought this country down.

                              Now we have a new candidate by the name of Donald Trump. He says "Lets Make This Country Great Again"  He too lacks the ability to describe how he's going to perform his miracles.

                             This recent debate has opened some eyes. His stand on amnesty, he says, is flexible. His economic plans, for the country, were even shown to be flawed.

                            His plans to make other countries pay for our military's protection, his plan to start a trade war with everyone of our trading partners.

                           His plans of trade, has been U. S.  corporation's wishes for years so he is still looking at it from a corporate CEO's prospective.

                          My feelings about Donald Trump is the same way I feel about Hilary Clinton.  Donald Trump is less then a used car salesman. I call him the male Hilary Clinton.

                        So I'm going to give you the same warning we gave you with Barack Obama.  You vote for Mr. Trump you deserve the government you get.

"Ted Cruz for President"


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