Sunday, January 3, 2016

"If It Looks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck and, Walks Like a Duck, It might be a Duck!"


                         Many of them capitalist haters out there are trying to insinuate that President Barack Obama is a Muslim Extremist. Some even call him an Islamic Extremist Terrorist that occupies the White House.

                         As I am going through all my videos I've noticed a pattern of actions of this President.

                        He has reduced the Man Power of our military by, mandating retirement of the experienced enlisted and, officers of the military.

                        He has sold off equipment of the military (Check ) A weak military can not protect it's citizens.

                        He has reduced the funding of the military, so no new equipment can be purchased or, designed.

                        He has turned America's back on it's alias, so as to bring mistrust into the foreign affairs mix. He had his Secretary of State promise, the United Nations, to eliminate freedom of speech on the Internet.

                        He signed over control of the Internet to other parties. (This is the reason why we can not control what ISIS says)

                        He has vigorously tried to take away citizens rights to own guns to defend themselves.

                        He has criminalized the police, you know the same police that helped people to safety during 9/11. These are the same ones that we will have to depend on to defend us during the up coming Islamic Extremist attack.

                        He has left the border open so during the up coming attacks they can start pouring through.

                         So you tell me what does this president have in mind for his "Hope And, Change" ?

                          If it looks like a Duck, Quacks like a duck and, walks like a duck, is it a duck?  They want the same type of person to run the country with Hilary Clinton.

"Ted Cruz for President"

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