Monday, September 8, 2014

"The Constitution Amendments"


                        How about this, if the three branches of the federal government are to be truly independent of each other, then how about not allowing one of those branches to choose the head of the other.

                        President Obama like many other Presidents picked their Attorney Generals. President Obama's pick was Eric Holder as his Attorney General, which allows him to control his actions.  Thus the Benghazi investigation has been put on hold.

                       The phony investigation of Hilary Clinton should not count. It's like sending the fox to investigate the murder of chickens in the hen house. She was the person in charge.

                       The only reason she was appointed as Secretary of State was a deal her and, then Senator Obama had made, for her support, to get her foreign service qualification so she can run for President in 2016.

                       No IRS investigation either. the non action against the voter intimidation case of the New Black Panthers.

                       How about a Constitutional amendment to elect the attorney generals, both federal and state. State Attorney Generals every two years and the federal every four years.

                       The attorney generals should be non party affiliated. If this is done,  this would put the fear of prosecution in both the President and, Congress.

                       This would also release the state attorney generals to void their individual state elections if proof of voter identification is not obtained. Most people don't know the state attorney generals are appointed by the President.

                       This is why even though the Constitution says only United States citizens can vote, the attorney generals verify the legality of the elections. Also why Eric Holder goes after the states that mandate voter identification.

"Ted Cruz for President"

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