Well, Obama has finally done it. He has followed the Soviet Unions example and, took one more step towards total control of free speech.
I don't remember when it happened because, I was not alive when it happened but, I had to read about it while being read into the 11th Armored Cavalry's mission with the East/West German border.
During the time of the "Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic" (U.S.S.R.), control of, what use to be called, East Germany, I was on the border.
In the in briefing you are required to read the the history of the Soviet Union. Now, what it said was so outrageous it was hard to believe. Until you talk to someone who has lived through it.
Your nights are filled, with the sound of, either rabbits or, people being blown up with the land mines spread by the East German's/Soviets.
Now you would know this if the Socialist's (Progressives) had not removed it from your text books and, schools. You see this control of information is not new to history.
Have you noticed there are no negative movies on TV about the old Soviet Union? Anything negative about Obama or his plans will not be found on any TV news channel except Fox News.
No negative news will appear on any newspapers with name with Times in its title. Most other newspapers will not speak against Obama either.
They tried taking control of talk radio with the FAIR doctrine and, Congress stopped it. The Obama has placed news monitors in all the major TV news organizations, to include Fox news.
Now, he(Obama) has mandated his Federal Communication Commission to take control over the Internet.
So lets see Information TV: Limited, Newspapers: Limited, Telephone: Limited, Radio: Limited, and, now he wants to honor Hilary Clinton's word to the United Nations, by controlling the Internet.
He has publicly stated his main goal is to stop lies on the Internet. That is his conception of what is the truth.
Let's all guess of how many of us blogger's can count on the freedom to express the truth about the Islamic Extremist threat or about our government taking away our rights.
When will you learn that this country is not too big for it to happen here. If you do not hear about it, it did not happen. He can take away your religious rights, right to bear arms to openly speak about the increased terrorist activity.
He who controls the news, controls the country, That's how Hitler, Stalin and, Lenin did it. This is how Barack Obama is doing it!
"Ted Cruz for President"