1. Introduce a law to make an exception to the Posse Komitadus law to exclude a 3/4 mile strip of the United States along the borders of Central America and, the United States.
Include the same between Canada and, the U.S..
2. After passing the above law activate and, relocate the 11th ACR to the southern and, northern border of the U.S. .
3. Institute the draft at the same time divide the military up in to the high tech military and, the other forces. High tech is expensive.
4. Pass a law if the United States has to use military force be it from behind or in front or, sideways a full declaration of war is to be declared by Congress. Then and only then shall the military get involved.
5. If the military has to get involved, once the war is won the country in which is fought on will be occupied by the United States and, its allies for 25 years. Just like Germany and, Korea.
Unless this is understood going in, our soldiers will have died in vane. This lowers the value of life.
6. Initiate the United States Identification card state by state, matching Id's with birth certificates/Death certificates.
7. Call for a Constitutional discussion, with Governors on federal vs state authority.
8. Remove the authority of judges both federal and, state of performing religious ceremonies. Give authority to judges to join couples in legal unions. Equal treatment under the law (IRS).
8a. Dissolve the IRS! Have a straight across the board 10% income tax.
9. Give the approving authority local judges for abortions. Judges make decisions every day that are life and death decisions. These judges have to live with their decisions, let them make the decision to end a young life.
Only if a judge proclaims that a person should have an abortion it should be done.
10. Pass a Constitutional law proclaiming this country to be a country of and, by God. This country was founded on this belief and, its founders fled England for religious freedom.
Just because a minority wants this not to be true, doe's not mean it's true. If you wish to be in a country that was not founded on this belief, find one.
At the same time proclaim that this federal government will not promote or, condemn any religion providing they are not against the Constitution.
11. Initiate a rewards program to any corporation that will provide a string of re-fueling stations for alternative fuel such as natural gas and, propane across the nation.
12. Create a new federally run oil refineries and, production of gasoline to be sold in the United States at no more than $2.00 a gallon.
13. Lower prices of Diesel fuel to lower prices of the products the Trucking companies and, trains have to deliver. Also provide punishments to those companies that take advantage of the lower prices.
Instead of increasing prices higher and, higher how about starting to lower the prices?
14. The illegal immigrants that are in the country be given a choice either turn yourself in and, become a legal immigrant as a legal worker in the U.S. (Non-Voter) or face deportation.
But, before deportation a low standard living of a 5 year prison sentence. Take actions to re-create the manufacturing
"Ted Cruz for President"
1. Introduce a law to make an exception to the Posse Komitadus law to exclude a 3/4 mile strip of the United States along the borders of Central America and, the United States.
Include the same between Canada and, the U.S..
2. After passing the above law activate and, relocate the 11th ACR to the southern and, northern border of the U.S. .
3. Institute the draft at the same time divide the military up in to the high tech military and, the other forces. High tech is expensive.
4. Pass a law if the United States has to use military force be it from behind or in front or, sideways a full declaration of war is to be declared by Congress. Then and only then shall the military get involved.
5. If the military has to get involved, once the war is won the country in which is fought on will be occupied by the United States and, its allies for 25 years. Just like Germany and, Korea.
Unless this is understood going in, our soldiers will have died in vane. This lowers the value of life.
6. Initiate the United States Identification card state by state, matching Id's with birth certificates/Death certificates.
7. Call for a Constitutional discussion, with Governors on federal vs state authority.
8. Remove the authority of judges both federal and, state of performing religious ceremonies. Give authority to judges to join couples in legal unions. Equal treatment under the law (IRS).
8a. Dissolve the IRS! Have a straight across the board 10% income tax.
9. Give the approving authority local judges for abortions. Judges make decisions every day that are life and death decisions. These judges have to live with their decisions, let them make the decision to end a young life.
Only if a judge proclaims that a person should have an abortion it should be done.
10. Pass a Constitutional law proclaiming this country to be a country of and, by God. This country was founded on this belief and, its founders fled England for religious freedom.
Just because a minority wants this not to be true, doe's not mean it's true. If you wish to be in a country that was not founded on this belief, find one.
At the same time proclaim that this federal government will not promote or, condemn any religion providing they are not against the Constitution.
11. Initiate a rewards program to any corporation that will provide a string of re-fueling stations for alternative fuel such as natural gas and, propane across the nation.
12. Create a new federally run oil refineries and, production of gasoline to be sold in the United States at no more than $2.00 a gallon.
13. Lower prices of Diesel fuel to lower prices of the products the Trucking companies and, trains have to deliver. Also provide punishments to those companies that take advantage of the lower prices.
Instead of increasing prices higher and, higher how about starting to lower the prices?
14. The illegal immigrants that are in the country be given a choice either turn yourself in and, become a legal immigrant as a legal worker in the U.S. (Non-Voter) or face deportation.
But, before deportation a low standard living of a 5 year prison sentence. Take actions to re-create the manufacturing
"Ted Cruz for President"